Child-free Not by Choice and a Path to Acceptance

How does one navigate the realization that she will not become a mother? That’s the question this episode explores with our guest, Andrea Lira, and Intuitive Therapist Meg Michaelson.

A theme shared across many of the previous episodes is one where guests find themselves on a life path that looks different from one they may have envisioned for themselves. For Andrea, her vision of being a mother, one day, did not become a reality. And she’s not alone. This is a more common story than many of us realize, but it’s not one often told. I’m really grateful to her for having the courage to share her story with us. We talk about her path to get pregnant, her grieving process, and the steps she is taking to move into a state of acceptance. We discuss how best to support friends through this experience, as well.

For anyone going through a similar situation — or for those who want to learn how to support a friend on this journey — both Andrea and Meg offer helpful and actionable suggestions.

Watch it on YouTube


I can’t recommend Andrea and Meg enough for coaching and therapy, respectively. If you’re interested in learning more about the services they provide, read on:

Andrea Lira is an ICF certified coach and organization development professional. She supports individuals, teams and organizations through periods of change, helping them leverage transition as a means for generating greater potential and fulfillment, both professionally and personally.  
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Meg Michaelson is a therapist specializing in relationships with self and others. She works with individuals in private consultations as well as leading group workshops across the country. Using her knowledge of the human energy body, intuition, and personal soul contracts, she guides others towards a healthier version of self.
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Talking to Kids About Being Part of a Unique Family


Child-free and the Role of Chosen Family