Talking to Kids About Being Part of a Unique Family

And 10 episodes later, we are at the Season 1 finale! Thank you all for listening and sharing the pod with others. It looks like the topic of non-traditional family structures is getting some deserved attention and traction. Podcasts like “Refamulating” and a mini-series on “This is Actually Happening” came out in April and June, respectively. Check them out! I find this really promising in terms of discussing and normalizing the experience of being part of a unique family.

Speaking of which, in this episode, I talk to two therapists — Meg Michaelson and Leora Lerma — about how to approach potentially challenging conversations with kiddos. While the focus is on how to help children understand how their families may look different from those of their peers, we cover topics like illness and disability, as well.

Lots of wise gems dropped here. For anyone seeking guidance navigating life, please see below for Meg’s and Leora’s bios and contact information. 10/10 recommend them!

Watch it on YouTube


Meg Michaelson is a therapist specializing in relationships with self and others. She works with individuals in private consultations as well as leading group workshops across the country. Using her knowledge of the human energy body, intuition, and personal soul contracts, she guides others towards a healthier version of self.
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Leora Lerba is a psychotherapist who specializes in working with couples and parents around complicated topics such as substance use, ADHD and other challenges that arise both individually and in relationships. She works with clients to increase self-awareness, cultivate insight, and integrate techniques to cope with life’s complications. Originally from Australia, she now lives in the Bay Area and works with clients all over California.
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Child-free Not by Choice and a Path to Acceptance