We’re celebrating families who “color outside the lines” of the traditional structure.

I made the podcast I wanted to hear while contemplating parenthood.

As a professional storyteller, I understand the power of learning from others’ experiences. My hope is that this podcast will help to clarify the right path for anyone thinking about creating a less conventional family.

Also, the guests and I call out that in many of our cases, we were able to create our families because of means. In the U.S., anything other than the old fashioned way comes with a steep price tag. When I learned that adoption agencies consider solo moms last, I knew I needed to carry my daughter. The last thing I wanted was to fuel the baby-making industry, but my desire to have a baby pushed me forward. I explored some less expensive options, and I’m happy to answer any DMs on the topic. Creating a family should not be so cost-prohibitive.


Are you part of a unique family and want to share your story? Please contact us.