Child-free and the Role of Chosen Family

From an early age, most of us received a clear message about what an ideal future looks like: You find your life partner and you have children. While this vision has evolved a bit over time, many (all?) cultures continue to reinforce the idea that the highest form of fulfillment — particularly for women — comes from getting married and procreating. So, what happens if you didn’t meet that future partner? Or realize that “ideal future” as suggested by social norms?

Or, what if you choose not to have children because you simply don’t want to be a parent?

In this episode, we speak to three child-free women about living full lives without children. And how they have cultivated chosen family — friendships that endure throughout life. Enjoy!

Watch it on YouTube


Child-free Not by Choice and a Path to Acceptance


DINK: Double Income, No Kids