Episode 01: Why I’m Doing this Podcast.


Because I have so much time on my hands and endless energy. No. Many friends were surprised when I said I was doing a podcast. For one, I tend to be a private person. My kiddo isn’t on social media, for example. Not that there’s anything wrong with kiddos on social. It’s just not for us. And two, being a solo parent of a toddler does require a good deal of time and energy.

But I’m a creative person, and I’ve always turned to writing, designing, and filmmaking to process what I am experiencing in the world. When I was contemplating my own big leap into solo motherhood, I wanted to listen to other examples of less traditional family structures, and never came across anything that resonated. That’s why I decided to make this podcast.

There are many of us who “color outside the lines” of the traditional family — as our culture defines it — and not a ton of airtime to tell these stories. It’s a big deal to “do” family differently. And family will continue to be redefined generation after generation, so let’s talk about what that looks like.

In addition to hearing about these unique families, it became very clear that this podcast was a vehicle for teaching open-mindedness to our children. Not everyone comes from 2 biological, cisgender, heteronormative parents. Children will follow their parents’ lead on what to normalize, and embracing diversity among family structures is a great way to teach inclusion. My hope is that this podcast provides an entry point into these conversations, and helps to create understanding when encountering a family that looks different from one’s own.

Watch it on YouTube


Episode 02: Solo Motherhood