Episode 02: Solo Motherhood


I remember when friends of mine and I would ask each other, “What if we’re not married by age X? Would you have kids anyway? (gulp) On your own?” Always, without exception, I’d pipe in, “Helllll noooooooooo! No way! Uh-uh!” Welp…

Funny how things turn out. Now, 3 years in, people ask me, “When did you know for sure you were going to do this?” To which I answer, “I’ll let you know.” It’s true. The whole 5 year “walk towards” having a child started with a “let’s see…” attitude. Terrified to have a child on my own, and even more terrified of never trying. I figured if it works, I have my answer that I’m supposed to do this. If not, I have my answer that I’m not supposed to do this. Pretty simple.

I did my embryo transfer in June 2020 — during the height of the pre-vaccine pandemic. While I never made an official “decision” to pursue solo motherhood, I’ll never forget the feeling of relief that washed over me when I found out I was pregnant. And I’m forever grateful that I got my daughter.

In this episode, we talk to Patricia P., a solo mom living in Washington, DC. She and I talk about all the things: the blessings, the challenges, and the unexpected concerns that rose for each of us. Also, we talk to Robyn Shepherd, who is well on her way to becoming a solo mom. She asks us her burning questions — an opportunity I would’ve loved to have had before becoming a mom — and we give her honest answers. Enjoy!

Watch it on YouTube


Episode 03: Sharing Embryos


Episode 01: Why I’m Doing this Podcast.