2 Dads. 3 Kids. 3 Types of Adoption.

“There is no such thing as an unplanned pregnancy in a gay relationship.” That was J.D. Schramm’s memorable opener to his TEDxStanford talk, “The Winding Path to Parenthood.” This beautiful story is a testament to how love is the main ingredient of family. And it’s fitting that we’re celebrating this family as we enter LGBTQIA+ Pride Month.

After three years of friendship, J.D. and his now husband, Ken Daigle, became a couple — and they quickly aligned on a future that included children. There are many paths to parenthood, but adoption was the clear choice for them. They became a family of five through three types of adoption: foster to adopt, private, and open.

As the title of J.D.’s talk suggests, this process took time, and there were some bumps along the way in creating their unique family. But, in the end, J.D. and Ken found their two sons and daughter, and these children found their parents.

For anyone considering adoption, this episode is very inspiring, realistic, and informative about the different processes for each type of adoption. Enjoy!

Watch it on YouTube


Learn more about J.D. Schramm’s work as a leadership communication coach

J.D.’s substack on curated strategies for effective communication

Learn more about Unity San Francisco, a progressive spiritual community, where Ken Daigle serves as Senior Minister

Learn more about AdoptHelp, the agency J.D and Ken used to adopt their son, Joshua


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